Hi Freak ! Are you a beginner ? Wondering from where to start your chest–triceps workouts ? If yes, Then you are on the right post. In this post you will get a very descriptive workout database for the top chest and triceps beginners workouts / exercises.
I will be mentioning top best exercises which you should definitely opt for having a bigger chest and triceps with a good form shape.
Many people opt to choose compound body part exercises in a day. Like back–biceps, chest–triceps, shoulders-legs and so on. Being a beginner you might face initial difficulties to identify the exercise sets and data.
I have tried to keep this post as simple as possible, so that it will be easy to guide you. If you are a complete Beginner, I will recommend you to first check out the Basic Beginners Gym post. You will get a clear picture of understanding. So tie your knots and get ready to lift weights. Lets Get Started !
Table of Contents

I will highly recommend you to use a Smith Machine for bench press. You will get proper weight distribution, proper support and definitely a better balance.
But if your gym does not have a Smith Machine then its not a very big issue. You can easily do this workout with your free hands.
- Lie on a flat bench.
- Grip the bar properly with your hands just wider than shoulder – width apart. Keep the bar a little bit higher than your central chest mark.
- Bring the bar slowly down to your chest. Inhale as you bring the bar down and exhale when you lift the bar up ( away from you ).
- Remember to maintain this breathing sync so as to get maximum output. Try focusing on your chest muscle as you perform this motion. Mind focus plays a big role in developing muscles.
Maintain a repetitions of 12 reps and 4 sets. With a resting time period of 60 seconds between each set. If you are confused between reps and sets you can check my Beginners Post first.
Weights you can adjust by your convenience. Make sure to increase your weights with each set. Also keep the weights like that so you can have a maximum of 12 reps in a set. Which means after 12th repetition you won’t be able to make a 13th or 14th repetition. This will help you to gain more strength and build muscle.

- Lie on a flat bench properly.
- Hold the dumbbells directly above your chest and keep your palms as if they are facing each other.
- After that slowly lower the weights in an arc out to the sides as far as it is comfortable for you. But remember not to overstretch.
- Use your pectoral muscles to reverse the movement back to the start.
- Inhale as you slowly lower the weights and exhale when you reverse the movement.
- Remember to keep a slight bend in your elbows throughout and don’t arch your back.
Maintain a repetitions of 10 -12 reps and 3 – 4 sets. With a resting time period of 60 seconds between each set.
Weights you can adjust by your convenience. Make sure to increase your weight with each set.

- Lie on a flat bench holding a dumbbell in each hand and to the sides of your shoulders.
- Your palms should be facing parallel towards your feet, although if you are uncomfortable then switch to a normal position where the palms face each other.
- Press the weights above your chest by extending your elbows until your arms are straight and then bring the weights back down slowly.
- After that take the weights down past your shoulders and bring them closer together at the top of the movement.
- Inhale as you slowly lower the weights and exhale when you reverse the movement.
- Remember while moving the weight up don’t touch them at the top. It will create unnecessary strain in your muscles.
Maintain a repetitions of 10 – 12 reps and 3 – 4 sets. With a resting time period of 60 seconds between each set.
Weights you can adjust by your convenience. Make sure to increase your weight with each set.

- Lie on a flat bench on your back. Keep your feet flat on the floor ( recommended ) or on the bench.
- Begin the workout by holding the dumbbell above your chest with straight arms.
Slowly lower the dumbbell in semicircular motion behind your head as far as possible. - Your arms and the dumbbell will actually go behind and above your head and will drop down below the bench.
- Inhale as you slowly lower the weights and exhale when you reverse the movement.
- Slowly, return the dumbbell to the starting position focusing on keeping your elbows locked in slightly bent position.
Maintain a repetitions of 10 -12 reps and 3 – 4 sets. With a resting time period of 60 seconds between each set.
You can adjust the weights by your convenience. Make sure to increase your weight with each set.

- Lie on a flat bench holding a dumbbell in each hand to the sides of your shoulders.
- Incline the bench upwards in an angle of 45 degree.
- Your palms should be facing parallel towards your feet, although if you are uncomfortable then switch to a normal position where the palms face each other.
- Press the weights above your chest by extending your elbows until your arms are straight and then bring the weights back down slowly.
- After that take the weights down past your shoulders and bring them closer together at the top of the movement.
- Inhale as you slowly lower the weights and exhale when you reverse the movement.
- Remember while moving the weight up don’t touch them at the top. It will create unnecessary strain in your muscles.
Maintain a repetitions of 12 reps and 4 sets. With a resting time period of 60 seconds between each set.
Weights you can adjust by your convenience. Make sure to increase your weight with each set.

- First make sure that the machine is adjusted properly according to your body posture convenience.
- Adjust the back seat so that the arm pads are level with your chest when you are in a seated position.
- Select the required weight you want to use. Do select a safe range of weight to avoid muscle cramp and injuries.
- Hold the handles and place your forearms on the arm foam padding.
- Slowly bring the weight up by pressing the handles together. Inhale during this movement. Do not touch them together.
- When the handles are directly in front of you, contract the chest muscles properly and hold for 2 to 3 seconds. Then slowly move back to the starting position. Exhale during this movement.
- Make sure to keep your back position straight and correct.
Maintain a repetitions of 12 reps and 4 sets. With a resting time period of 60 seconds between each set.
If you are a complete Beginner, I will recommend you to first check out the Basic Beginners Gym post.

Although this exercise is very basic but extremely vital. This exercise should be treated as the base tricep warm up exercise. This exercise will promote a mature growth of your triceps and will establish a proper shape.
- Place your hands on a flat bench or flat box which is behind you.
- Put your both feet together and flat on the floor with knees slightly bent.
- Lower slowly as far as you can trying to squeeze your tricep muscles.
- Remember to keep your shoulder pivot fixed and do not move them.
- Return back your initial position.
- Inhale as you bend your elbows and exhale as you extend the elbows and lift yourself back up.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 4 sets, 12 reps, 60 seconds rest between each set.
If you are confused between sets, reps and resting period you can have a overview of my “complete beginners guide to gym” post.

- Face towards the triceps pushdown cable machine and grasp the horizontal cable bar or rope attachment with a proper grip.
- Adjust the bar or V- rope grips to about chest level ( or to the top according to your convenience ).
- Using the pin in the hole adjustment, set a low weight to start your workout with.
- Keep your abdominal muscles tight and back muscle little bit bend towards front side.
- Tuck your elbows in at your sides and position your feet slightly apart ( don’t move them too apart ).
- Inhale as you push down until your elbows are fully extended but not yet in the straight, locked position.
- Keep your elbows close to your body and bend your knees slightly on the pushdown. Try to keep your back as straight as possible as you push down.
- Exhale as you return back to your initial position.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 4 sets, 10 – 12 reps, 60 – 70 seconds rest between each set.

- Stand with your feet with shoulder width apart and dumbbells held in one of your hand.
- You can either opt to sit on a flat bench with your back straight and abdomen muscles fixed.
- Raise the dumbbells slowly above your head contracting your triceps muscles until your arms are stretched out straight.
- Slowly lower the weights back behind your head and return to initial position. Try to keep your triceps portion as much fixed as possible.
- Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor bring the weight back up to the starting position.
- Your upper arms should remain in place throughout the movement.
- Inhale as you slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head. Exhale as you return the dumbbell to starting position.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 4 sets, 10 – 12 reps, 60 – 70 seconds rest between each set.

- Lie on a flat bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand above you with your arms extended and palms facing.
- Keeping your arms straight, lower the dumbbells slowly contracting your tricep muscles and under complete control by bending at the elbows until they are just above your forehead.
- Hold for 1-2 seconds and again move back to initial position.
- You can also use an E-Z curl bar to perform this exercise. Make sure to put less weights as too much weight will resist you heavily from doing this exercise.
- Inhale and straighten your arms by lifting your hands up.
- As you exhale, slowly lower the dumbbells back down toward your ears.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 3 – 4 sets, 08 – 12 reps, 60 – 75 seconds rest between each set.

- Face towards the triceps pushdown cable machine and grasp the horizontal cable bar or rope attachment with a proper grip in one of your hand.
- Adjust the bar or V- rope grips to about chest level. You can also keep it fixed higher according to your height adjustment.
- Using the pin in the hole adjustment and set a low weight to start your workout with.
- Keep your abdominal muscles tight and back muscle little bit bend towards front side.
- Tuck your elbows in at your sides and position your feet slightly apart ( don’t move them too apart ).
- Inhale as you push down until your elbows are fully extended but not yet in the straight, locked position.
- Keep your elbows close to your body and bend your knees slightly on the pushdown. Try to keep your back as straight as possible as you push down.
- Exhale as you return back to your initial position.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 4 sets, 10 – 12 reps, 60 – 70 seconds rest between each set.

- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing in toward each other.
- Keep your knees slightly bent.
- Fix your core properly and maintain a straight back posture, bringing your torso almost parallel to the floor.
- Keep your upper arms in close to your body and your head in line with your spine.
- Exhale and engage your triceps by straightening your elbows slowly and contracting your tricep muscles.
- Hole there for 1-2 seconds and slowly return back to initial position.
- Inhale as you return the weights to original position.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 4 sets, 10 – 12 reps, 60 – 70 seconds rest between each set.
If you are confused between sets, reps and resting period you can have a overview of my “complete beginners guide to gym” post (opens in a new tab).
Do comment below which exercises you are going to opt for, your views, queries and suggestions !
Get ready to lift hard and grow a massive chest – triceps. All the Best !
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Reduce Abdominal Fat, Complete Guide To Beginners Gym, Top Chest Workouts, Best Bicep Workouts, Best Tricep Exercises, Returning To The Gym Post-Lockdown (COVID-19), DOMS, Maximize Muscle Pump
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