Hi Freak ! Wondering from where to start your legs workout ? If yes, then you are on the right post. In this blog post you will get a very descriptive workout database for the top legs workouts / exercises.
I will be mentioning top 10 best legs workouts / exercises which you should definitely opt for having a great leg with a great shape.
I have tried to keep this post as simple as possible so that it will be easy to guide you. If you are a complete Beginner, I will recommend you to first check out the Basic Beginners Gym post ( opens in a new tab ). You will get a clear picture of understanding. So tie your knots and get ready to lift weights. Lets Get Started !

Table of Contents
Lets keep two sections for our exercise database for your better understanding. In beginners / intermediate section you will find top 6 legs exercises and if you want to adopt advanced level then you can refer to advanced section where you will get best 4 legs exercises.
1.1. Split Squat

- Be in a standing position and take a long step forward as if performing a lunge.
- Keep your heel of your back foot in a raised position.
- Try to keep your torso straight and slowly lower until your back knee almost touches the floor.
- Complete all your reps on one leg and after that then switch to the other.
- Keep your knees in line with your toes, especially on the front leg, and don’t let the front knee stray past your foot as you lower.
- Breathe in as you lunge and put your weight in the front heel. Exhale as you push yourself back up.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 4 sets, 15-20 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
If you are confused between sets, reps and resting period you can have a overview of my “complete beginners guide to gym” post.
1.2. Stepup

- Try to find a place, box or higher step which is approximately 10 inches tall.
- Place one foot on the step and rise up.
- Keep your shoulder’s back and chest up.
- Step down and repeat with the other leg.
- Action EXHALE: With right leg, step onto the center of the bench and straighten your right leg at the top. Opposite leg should remain behind you for counter balance. INHALE: Slowly bend right knee and step back down with left and then right foot to complete one rep.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 4 sets, 20 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
1.3. Calf – Raises ( Weighted )

- Stand upright holding two dumbbells by your sides. Choose the weights according to your convenience.
- Properly place your feet on an exercise pad or weight plate with your heels firmly touching the floor.
- With your toes pointing forwards, raise your heels off the floor slowly contracting your calves muscles. Slowly return to the starting position.
- For your own convenience you can inhale while bring your legs upwards and exhale while returning to initial position.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 4 sets, 20 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
1.4. Squats ( Regular )

- Stand with feet a little wider than hip width with your toes facing in front position.
- Drive your hips back—bending at the knees and ankles and pressing your knees slightly open.
- Sit properly into a squat position ( as if sitting in an invisible chair ), while still keeping your heels and toes on the ground.
- Keep your chest up and back straight.
- Strive to eventually reach parallel, meaning knees are bent to a 90-degree angle and thighs parallel to the ground surface.
- Press into your heels and straighten legs to return to a standing upright position.
- Breathe in as you move / sit down and exhale as you push yourself back up.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 4 sets, 15-20 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
1.5. Leg Extensions

- Place your hands on the hand bars of the leg extension machine.
- Choose weights according to your own convenience.
- Lift the weight while exhaling until your legs are almost straight.
- Do not lock your knees. Try to keep your back against the backrest and do not arch your back.
- Exhale and lower the weight back to starting position.
- This completes your one set.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
If you are confused between sets, reps and resting period you can have a overview of my “complete beginners guide to gym” post.
1.6. Lying Leg Curls

- Initially start by lying flat on your stomach.
- Adjust the roller pad so that it rests comfortably a few inches under your calves, just above the heels. Make sure to set a comfortable height.
- Slowly stretch your legs out fully. Grasp the machine handle to get a proper grip.
- Lift your feet smoothly as you exhale, keeping your hips firmly on the bench.
- Inhale as you flex your knees and pull your ankles as close to your buttocks as you can.
- Hold this position for 1-2 seconds.
- Inhale fully as you return your feet to starting position in a smooth, slow, controlled movement.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
2.1. Smith Machine / Barbell Squats

- Properly adjust the bar of the Smith Machine so that it’s at shoulder height. Adjust the weights according to your own convenience and capacity.
- Beginners should start with just the bar and gradually add weight as they become familiar with the movement.
- Position your hands about shoulder-width apart on the bar, and lightly grip the bar with an overhand grip.
- Step in front of the rack, and rest the bar on your trapezius muscles (the muscles closest to your neck/upper back).
- Keep your feet little bit apart from each other.
- Slowly lower your body keeping your feet fixed until your thighs comes parallel to the floor.
- Contract your thigh and hamstring muscles. Hold there for 1-2 seconds.
- Slowly come back to your initial position. This completes your one set.
- You should inhale just before you begin to lower down, and exhale as you extend your legs back to the starting position.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
2.2. Leg Press

- Brace your abdominal muscles and push the flat platform away with your heels and forefoot.
- Your heels should remain flat on the footplate. Avoid using your front side of your feet.
- While exhaling, extend your legs and keep your head and back flat against the seat pad.
- Hold there for 1-2 seconds. Contract and focus properly on your quads and hamstring muscles.
- While inhaling, return the footplate to the starting position by gradually bending the knees. Keep the feet and back flat throughout.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
2.3. Goblet Squat

- As you squat, keep your elbows inside the line of your knees, and the heels of your feet flat on the ground. Try to maintain a heavy weight set.
- Go as low as you can in this position, then come back up, pushing through your heels.
- Keep your movements measured and your abs tensed as you move.
- If you don’t have a kettlebell you can use a dumbbell either.
- You should inhale just before you begin to lower down, and exhale as you extend your legs back to the starting position.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
2.4. Romanian Deadlifts

Romanian deadlifts are a great option for people who want to increase hip mobility and target the glutes. Also it considers a significant amount of calves and hamstring muscles.
- Stand with the bar or weight in your hands as opposed to the floor. Maintain the same position as you maintain during a normal deadlift position.
- Slowly lower the weight with a slight bend in your knees, bending at the hips and keeping your back straight focusing on your muscles.
- Lower until you feel a slight stretch in your hamstrings – usually when the weight has just passed your knees – then drive your hips forwards and use your hamstrings to power back up to standing.
- When doing the Romanian deadlift keep your chest open, your shoulders back and maintain your back and arms completely straight at all times.
- Do the movement slowly and breathe out as you lower the weights.
Sets / Reps / Rest Duration – 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps, 60-75 seconds rest between each set.
So, these were the pro exercise data set for upgrading your legs muscles. If you are a beginner, intermediate or in advanced level you can choose the right section and perform these exercises.
Do comment below which exercises you are going to opt for, your views, queries and suggestions !
Get ready to lift hard. All the Best !
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